We are losing us
- 676 retirees
- 237 resignations
- 130 on leave of absences
That is 1,043 officers no longer part of Chicago's police force at the end of 2021.
Add another 300+ set to retire the first 2 months of 2022 and that's a 10th of the manpower IF the department was fully staffed (at 13,100). Which it isn't, and hasn't been for a few years now, so we are talking about an even higher percentage, I'd surmise that is more like 10%.
Even Rahm's 1000 (the 1000 new hires) didn't get us back to fully staffed. The department has struggled to hire, and yes I know its everywhere, but when I first got on cops left other departments to come here. I can count off the top of my head a dozen cops who have left here to go to other departments. Some taking significant pay cuts to have a less toxic work environment, actually have their days off, and more support.
Other departments are seeing big city cops leaving in droves, and they are seeing an opportunity to save on training expenses AND gain experienced officers. Las Vegas Metro PD had a recruiting drive in the Chicago area, and I'm sure just about everyone has seen the Florida city promoting their hiring drive as well. Who can blame these departments?
I've seen some of the best cops walk away from the city and go elsewhere.
I've seen several just quit the whole profession.
I know what someone is going to say, 'I wouldn't want THEM as cops if they can't hack it! Let them go!'
And maybe there is some truth to that, but there is a larger picture here. Many friends have expressed their feeling like punching bags by politicians and community members. Many are the types of cops I want to show up when I need backup, or when my family is needed help and I can't be there. They were people I trusted with my life and my family's lives.
Many of whom I share stories with.
We've ran into burning buildings.
We've sprinted towards gun fire, heedless of what outcome might befall us.
We've gotten shot at but chose not to return fire because it would put innocent lives at risk.
We've worked together to save the lives of people that many would deem not worth the investment, or even scoff that our efforts were successful.
We've made great arrests and removed violent, hardened criminals off the street.
We've seen our fellow officers hurt, rushed to their aid, and too often we've stood shoulder to shoulder at funerals.
We've given out our numbers to frustrated community members in hopes we can do just a little bit more to make their block a little safer.
We've sat in silence after choking back tears on a scene where someone lost their lives and the family is there to witness it.
We've shrouded our anger and rage when a child has lost their innocence.
We've looked someone we know is dying in the eyes and lied that everything is going to be OK, just because we know that sliver of hope might be true and they might pull through.
We've called out the bad cops that tarnish our reputation and profession, and we've carried that blame, accusations, and burden as if it were our own.
We've lost friendships, had family turn their back on us, all because we choose this calling.
But we are losing those cops mentioned, us.
It's becoming less of a choosing this calling, and more of a chose that calling.
The us is leaving the profession, or the cities that need us the most. Many going back to what is "easier" or where the potential to be hit by a bus is lessened. Whether that is early retirement, resignations, or just a complete career change, the leave is happening.
'Oh yeah, well, we'll replace you!'
With who? With what experience?
There is a competition happening right now for the profession, we all see that. There is news article after news article outlining that. Hiring rates are down, interest in the profession is at an all time low, (vocal) public perception is abysmal, and politicians are building their careers on terms like "defund" and "abolishment".
But there is a secondary competition going on. One where experienced officers, who aren't beholden to a retirement system yet (even sometimes are), know they can take their experience elsewhere. They know what they possess in knowledge, experience, and skills is valuable and the market is saturated with departments looking for those characteristics in a new officer. Places offering sign on bonuses, better quality of life, lower taxes, more off-duty opportunities, or just a better overall community to work and live in.
There are a lot of us, especially here in Chicago, that are constantly questioning whether it is worth it.
Worth it for another summer of days off cancelled, worth it to dealing with poor leadership (term used loosely) and the poor decisions that come from them, worth it to deal with another super violent year, and worth it to even wear the uniform and badge.
I know there are good bosses out there with great intentions and very well-meaning motivation, but the pendulum can't swing back if the other side is holding on to it.
I feel so bad that CPD is vilified. I live in the 16th and we would LOVE to have more officers working in our neighborhood (many live here). I know its cold comfort, but there are Chicagoans who respect and appreciate our officers; my family and myself among them. I'm not sure its enough to keep you all going because push factors for Chicago seem to outnumber the pull factors. The brain drain will become ever more apparent as experienced officers continue to retire or leave for better working conditions and this city will become less safe. I cannot say I fault or blame officers who leave CPD; I don't know how long I'd last in an environment where the most toxic are the ones with the biggest mouths and pulpits. I truly hope & pray we will be able to wrest the pendulum from those who refuse to let it go.
ReplyDelete016 isn't even half staffed. They only have about 140 0f their 350 supposed positions filled.